209 Trembleau Mtn. Rd, Keeseville, NY 12944
  Adirondack Flagpoles facility is located 20 miles south of Plattsburgh, N.Y, and 154 miles North of Albany, N.Y. From Interstate 87 take Exit 34 at Keeseville, proceed North approximately 5 miles on Rt. 9 to Ausable Chasm. Turn right on State Rt. 373, following signs for the "Ferry to Vermont". Head 3 miles East, towards the Village of Port Kent, and turn right on Trembleau Rd., just as you enter the village. 1 Mile straight up a steep road, and 209 Trembleau is located on your right immediately as you crest the top of the mountain.

  From Burlington, VT, take the Port Kent Ferry to N.Y., Trembleau Mtn. Road is the first left after leaving the Ferry dock.